Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

Event Detail  
Observance of World AIDS Day
Event Start Date : 02/12/2024 Event End Date 02/12/2024

DAV Public School Patiala observed World AIDS Day   to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS among students, teachers, and the community.
The program began with a morning assembly, where Ms Madhu Khanna HOD Science department delivered a speech on the importance of HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention, and support. HIV stands for human immuno deficiency virus that attacks the body's immune system,if left untreated .HIV can lead to AIDS which is a condition that severely weakens the immune   system.HIV is transmitted by  Few ways  
Like Sharing needles or syringes contaminated with HIV infected blood,
Mother to child transmission during pregnancy, child birth or breastfeeding,
Blood transfusions from an infected donor,
Occupational exposure to infected bodily fluids. Dr.Sonia also explained the preventive measures of this life threatening disease like Get tested regularly for HIV , Avoid sharing personal items like razors or toothbrushes,Support safe blood donation practices.
 Principal Vivek Tiwari emphasized the need for awareness and education about HIV/AIDS, saying, "It's essential for our students to understand the facts about HIV/AIDS, dispel misconceptions, and develop empathy for those affected with HIV by Encouraging them to seek medical treatment and by
providing emotional support and counseling to the victims and Creating a discrimination free environment.
In conclusion of observance of World's AIDS Day School Principal, teachers and students wore red ribbons and collectively spread awareness and knowledge about HIV/ AIDS prevention.


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