DAV Public School,Patiala observes International Labour Day
Event Start Date : 02/05/2023 Event End Date 02/05/2023
To express gratitude towards the supporting staff of D A V Public School, Patiala a special morning assembly was conducted to observe International Labour day. The motive behind this event was to develop the compassion amongst the students towards the labour class. The day began with performing pious hawan yajna .All the class IV employees attended this hawan. A special assembly was conducted to mark this day.A beautiful skit signifying the dignity of Labour was presented by the students .Principal Vivek Tiwari ,while addressing the students lauded the ceaseless efforts of the supporting staff of the nation and the school in particular. He pleaded the students to always be respectful towards the helping staff of the school and to salute the spirit behind their work which is invaluable. He further motivated the students in not hesitating to perform any kind of job and inculcated the feeling of ‘Work is Worship'. He also acknowledged the indispensable role and selfless services of the supporting staff in the smooth functioning of the school.
To acquaint the supporting staff with the knowledge of online portals and Apps of smart phones, an informative PPT was prepared by the students under the guidance of Ms Megha Narang and Ms. Sakshi. The elated employees thanked the students -Gurinayat, Parimita, Narayani, Dakshdeep, Inderveer Singh, Harkaram Singh, Vansh Chopra,, Lubhav, Onkar Singh and Raja Bijay Singh students of XI th class for taking this initiative of instilling confidence among the supporting staff for doing on line transactions and creating awareness for online frauds. Today's celebrations concluded with vote of thanks presented by Ms. Prabha Devi( supporting staff of the school)