Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

Event Detail  
DAV Public School, Patiala organized Mock Fire Drill in Co-ordination with Fire Department Patiala
Event Start Date : 08/02/2023 Event End Date 08/02/2023

In order to acquaint the young students and the staff members for fire safety, a mock fire drill was conducted in coordination with Fire Department Patiala during which Mr Surinder Kumar Additional Fire Officer and Mr. Rajinder Kaushal Asstt. Fire Officer acted as Resource Persons. They enthusiastically and convincingly displayed various fire equipments to as many as 200 students of class VIII and 45 members of staff. During their address they discussed the various reasons behind catching heinous fire and casualties related to them , they further suggested the remedial measures for the same , for more clarification , they discussed the procedure to operate various fire equipments also , furthermore they illustrated the way to call fire brigade . they even threw light on the importance of siren sound , how we ought to acknowledge the sound of it.. The session was made more interesting when students inquired the resource persons with the questions arising in their minds, such as reasons of blast, expiry of cylinder, reasons of the blast of kitchen cylinder. Resource persons further put forth the measures to avoid such mishappening.

Principal Vivek Tiwari while thanking the resource persons quoted that organising such kind of useful sessions are big steps towards the preparedness against disasters. He additionally assured to have such sessions as regular feature in the school.

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